Harnessing AI for Revenue Enablement

How GTM teams can do less and achieve more

“B2B companies using AI-powered content creation tools saw an average of 32% higher conversion rates compared to those relying solely on human-created content and AI-assisted content creation helped marketers save an average of 6 hours per week.”
-Salesforce The State of AI in B2B Marketing

Your enablement, sales, customer success, and marketing teams aren’t just busy — they’re also under a lot of pressure.

They’re upheld to several success KPIs including quarterly quotas, key account growth, marketing ROI, opportunities in progress, and so many more.

And lately they’ve been asked to meet more ambitious targets with fewer resources.

So instead of trying and failing to “do more with less,” how about actually doing less but achieving more?

This guide to harnessing AI for GTM operations covers:

  • Best practices for implementation
  • Four primary use cases of artificial intelligence for revenue teams that help them complete their many tasks while improving their outcomes
  • How your buyers and teams can apply AI during each step in the buying journey
  • AI security protocols
  • Results of AI in practice

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