The challenge: Lack of training consistency and access to resources

Allurion needs to educate clinics on how their program and medical device work. Training needs to be delivered in a quick and consistent way. Clinics also need easy access to the training materials and support required to complete their daily routines.

Prior to implementing Bigtincan, representatives from the Allurion commercial team had to go into each clinic and sit down with the physician to explain the application of the program and how to deploy the device. Due to scheduling constraints and limited access to vital resources, this often resulted in ineffective and inconsistent training that did not deliver the speed to effectiveness that Allurion needs and physicians demand.

Today, Allurion has changed this approach and they are now using Bigtincan to support a digital-enabled approach that helps reps and clinics achieve their goals by having easy access to learning resources and sales-enabling assets.

Two connected systems for training and content management

Allurion uses Bigtincan in two ways: for training and as a content library for sales and marketing assets that the commercial team and partner clinics are using on an ongoing basis. Deploying Bigtincan has allowed Allurion’s teams and partners to have the skills, knowledge, and supporting information they need to succeed.

Enabling an effective, engaging and consistent learning experience

Allurion’s implementation of the learning management system, or Learning Lab, allows people to work their way through the different modules, test themselves, and evaluate their knowledge and accelerate their learning to increase their speed to effectiveness.

As part of the onboarding of new commercial team members or a new clinic, Allurion has built five modules in Bigtincan Learning they need to work their way through to set them up for success. This is used as a foundation before attending a two-week in-person training event. After that, they can access the Learning Lab to find more information and continue their learning journey and stay up-to-date.

Bigtincan’s readiness capabilities have provided Allurion a way to continue to build and maintain team members’ knowledge and skill level. It’s used in addition to face-to-face learning to help accelerate the speed at which people learn.


  • 850% ROI with professional education in general
  • 67% more productive clinics if they’ve been through Allurion’s training journey
  • Significant increase in speed to effectiveness
  • Minutes to provide access to learning environment for new clinics
  • Increased message consistency
“My favorite features are the quizzes. They are used not just at the end of a learning module where people might want to evaluate what they've retained, but sometimes right up front before they go through a learning module for them to realize where their gaps in knowledge are before they start to learn.”

Building HCP confidence with ultra-fast onboarding and on-demand learning

The learning system enables medical professionals access to information whenever they need it, and setup can be done within minutes. It means a new clinic will have immediate access to learning from their smartphone, tablet, or desktop.

This makes healthcare professionals feel confident when they are working with the Allurion device, enabling them to become proficient and start treating patients much more quickly than before.

Providing a library of resources for commercial teams and clinics

In parallel, Allurion is using Bigtincan to manage all the resources their commercial teams and partner clinics need to prepare for and to provide value during customer engagements.

The content management system is used as a library of resources making it easy to locate relevant sales aids, marketing materials, and other collateral that’s needed to support customers, whether shared digitally or printed when required.

“It’s really easy to find because, just like Google, you just type into the search column what you want to find and it’s there literally at your fingertip,” said Wright when describing their use of Bigtincan for content management.

Results and key drivers

With the implementation of a combined learning and content program, Allurion has enabled consistency and accelerated onboarding and learning, which have a direct impact on effectiveness and the overall business results. Among the measurable results, clinics who go through the Allurion training journey are 67% more productive than others.

Key components of the Bigtincan solution include:

  • One solution for both content and learning
  • Integration to SFDC supporting a data-driven approach and full monitoring of ROI
  • Modern user interface with easy navigation
  • Quizzes engage and make a difference both pre-and post-training

“One of our core values is to be data driven because we're a medical technology business. So everything has to be measured. So we're very, very clear on the return that we have from professional education,” said Wright. “For every dollar that we invest in professional education, the return on investment is around $8.50. We also know that clinics who go through our training journey are 67% more productive than those who don't.”

Matthew Wright, VP of Global Professional Education at Allurion Technologies