Artificial Intelligence Governance Charter

We understand that our customers have important questions regarding the security, fairness, and privacy of our AI-driven solutions. To address these, we’ve compiled a list of common inquiries about our AI practices and third-party integrations.

Here are some clear, detailed answers to ensure you are informed about how we approach AI, safeguard your data, and maintain ethical standards.

FAQs on Bigtincan’s use of AI

Were the tools we use for our products tested for vulnerabilities?
Were the tools tested for biases?
Describe the approach to test the data for bias which may be the result of different data limitations such as missing data, observational intensity, logistical limits, or low participation from different demographics.
Define your bias/fairness testing methodology.
Bias detection and fairness metrics should be pre-identified during the AI/ML Solution design phase to avoid the potential risk of erroneous or unguided measurement.
The pre-identified metrics should be used to repeatedly test and measure the AI/ML Solution performance across different subgroups applicable to the use case.
How was the output evaluated for fairness, including unfair or harmful stereotypes? What were the results of the assessment?
TLS scan results
Vulnerability scan results
Process for confirming accuracy of output
Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: What processes do you have for continuously monitoring and improving the accuracy of your AI services?
Has the AI feature or LLM undergone independent statistical validation for accuracy of its outputs?
Does Bigtincan send my data to 3rd parties for model training?
Do I have a choice in what LLMs I can use?
Will my data be used to create, develop, or improve Al features in the product?
Will product users know when or if they are utilizing an Al-based feature?
Does the product provide alternatives or opt-in/out functionality for Al- enabled features?
What data privacy standards do Bigtincan generative Al features abide by? How are these standards tested?
How do Bigtincan’s generative Al features handle content permissions?